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This article shows you how to get data from GridView and how to store it in the DataTable.Follow these simple steps:Step 1:Drag GridView into the form and define the property of AutoGenerateColumns False.Use the template fields to view GridView data. Design GridView in accordance with your requirements.<asp: GridView runat = "server" ID = "gvShoppingCart" AutoGenerateColumns = "False"
EmptyDataText = "There is nothing in your shopping cart". GridLines = "None"
Width = "31%" CellPadding = "5" ShowFooter = "True" DataKeyNames = "BookId" onrowdeleting = "gvShoppingCart_RowDeleting"
<HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign = "Left" BackColor = "# 3D7169" ForeColor = "#FFFFFF" />
<FooterStyle HorizontalAlign = "right" BackColor = "# 6C6B66" ForeColor = "#FFFFFF" />
<AlternatingRowStyle BackColor = "# F8F8F8" />
<asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "Iamge Book">
<asp: Image ID = "BookImg" ImageUrl = '<% # Eval ("BookImage")%>' runat = "server" hight = "15px" width = "20px" />
</ ItemTemplate>
</ asp: TemplateField>
<asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "Book Name">
<asp: tag ID = "lblBookName" runat = "server" Text = '<% # Eval ("BookName")%>'> </ asp: label> <br />
</ ItemTemplate>
</ asp: TemplateField>
<asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "Price">
<asp: tag ID = "lblPrice" runat = "server" Text = '<% # Eval ("Bookprice")%>'> </ asp: label> <br />
</ ItemTemplate>
</ asp: TemplateField>
<asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "Quantity">
<asp: TextBox ID = "TXTQty" run = "server" Text = "1" width = "40px" onkeyup = "Calculate Totals ();"> </ asp: TextBox>
</ ItemTemplate>
<b> Total Calculation. </ b>
</ FooterTemplate>
</ asp: TemplateField>
<asp: TemplateField HeaderText = "Total">
<asp: tag ID = "LBLSubTotal" runat = "server"> </ asp: label></ ItemTemplate>
<asp: ID tag = "LBLTotal" runat = "server" ForeColor = "White"> </ asp: label>
</ FooterTemplate>
</ asp: TemplateField>
<asp: CommandField DeleteText = "Delete" ShowDeleteButton = "True" />
</ Column>
</ asp: GridView>Open the columns column name on the table.Step 2:Use the following code to retrieve data from GridView and store it in the DataTable.personal getGridInfo empty ()
DataTable dt = new DataTable ();
DataRow dr;
dt.Columns.Add (New System.Data.DataColumn ("BookName", typeof (String)));
dt.Columns.Add (New System.Data.DataColumn ("BookQty", typeof (String)));
dt.Columns.Add (New System.Data.DataColumn ("BookImg", typeof (String)));
foreach (GridViewRow line gvShoppingCart.Rows)
Image Bookimg = (Image) row.FindControl ("BookImg");
Label Booknames = (labels) row.FindControl ("lblBookName");
TextBox Bookqty = (TextBox) row.FindControl ("TXTQty");
Tag TotalPrice = (labels) row.FindControl ("LBLTotal");
dr = dt.NewRow ();
dr [0] = Booknames.Text;
dr [1] = Bookqty.Text;
dr [2] = Bookimg.ImageUrl.ToString ();
dt.Rows.Add (dr);
Speech ["QtyTable"] = dt;
Response.Redirect ("Admin / Default.aspx");
}Step 3:Here, dt.Columns.Add (New System.Data.DataColumn ("BookName", typeof (String))) You can type header text in that column.Call this function where you want to save GridView data in the DataTable.
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